January 2019 - health4fitness24

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Saturday 26 January 2019

Nutritional Benefits of the Strawberry

January 26, 2019 0
Strawberries are considered to be the world's most popular fruits due to their aromatic flavor and flavor. Everybody's mouth gets water after listening to the name of strawberries. Many people like it a lot
Strawberry is the best source of vitamin C and K as well as folic acid, magnesium, manganese and potassium. Along with getting 49 calories in a cup strawberry, there is less sugar and this is also good source of dietary fiber. In addition, good amount of futonutrient and flavonoid is found in strawberries.

Reducing healthy digestive activity and stored fat:

Strawberries are full of fiber, so strawberries can keep our intestines healthy. Anthocyanin, a red colored antioxidant, is also found in strawberries, thereby reducing excess fat deposited in the body. Nitrate is also found in this excellent fruit, which increases oxygen evidence in the body and develops blood flow to the body, which easily reduces our obesity.

Develops the health of bones:

Strawberries are found in Potassium, Magnesium and Vitamin K, which is very important for our bones to increase strength and keep them healthy.

Esophageal prevents cancer:

Research has shown that for six months after drinking water in the strawberry powder of dry stomach, drinking cancer reduces 80% of the cancer, and it also has the ability to prevent esophaglal cancer.

Make hair strong

By eating strawberries, hair becomes stronger too. Vitamin C contained in it prevents hair fall and strengthens the hair. This gives you the freedom of the Russian problem.

To Clean Dead Skin

Dead skin is very easy to clean by using strawberries. Dada Skin becomes clearer due to the cleanliness of the face and gives a glowing skin.

To whiten teeth

Vitamin C contained in it is very beneficial to maintain the brightness of teeth. Using strawberries, teeth are cleaned naturally. The white shiny teeth beautifully make four faces.

To reduce the symptoms of increasing age.

Vitamin C and anti-oxidant present in it are helpful in reducing symptoms of aging age. The lycopene present in it works to clean wrinkles and fine lines of skin. If you want you can take advantage of it by eating strawberries or by making a paste with milk, you can use it as a mask on face.


Strawberries are rich in the essential nutrients vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber. One cup of fresh strawberries contains 160 percent of the daily recommended quantity of vitamin C, for only 50 calories.

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 166 g
Amount Per Serving

  • Calories: 53 kcal
  • Protein: 1.11 g
  • Carbohydrates: 12.75 g
  • Dietary fiber: 3.3 g
  • Calcium: 27 mg
  • Iron: 0.68 mg
  • Magnesium: 22 mg
  • Phosphorus: 40 mg
  • Potassium: 254 mg
  • Vitamin C: 97.6 mg
  • Folate: 40 micrograms (mcg)
  • Vitamin A: 20 international units (IU)

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Friday 25 January 2019

Amazing Benefits Uses Of Kiwi Fruit

January 25, 2019 0
Kiwi fruit is a favorite of salad lovers. This exotic fruit is known for its attractive bright green color and its wonderful and distinct flavor. However, much is not known about this fruit as it is produced in a very few countries and not available easily.
Kiwifruit, also known as Chinese gooseberry, is a delicious berry of a woody, twining vine and is popularly known by its shortened name ‘kiwi’. Kiwis are small fruits that pack a lot of flavor and plenty of health benefits. Their green flesh is sweet and tangy. It's also full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber.

Health Benefits Of Kiwifruit

  • High Source of Vitamin C
  • Powerhouse of Vitamins and Minerals
  • Improves Digestion
  • Sleep Inducer
  • Beneficial in Pregnancy
  • Improves Immune Function
  • Blood Pressure Management
  • Skin Benefits of Kiwi Fruit
  • Anti-ageing Benefits
  • Anti-cancer Properties
  • Beneficial in Diabetes
  • Facilitates Weight Loss
  • Softens Skin
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Wednesday 23 January 2019

Health Benefits of Herbs

January 23, 2019 0
Herbs are full of effective health benefits, some of these benefits include promoting psychological health, reducing the risk of cancer, regulating bowel movement, fighting swelling,Herbs are rich in antioxidants, phytosterols, vitamins, and other nutrients that prepare the body to fight against toxic substances and microbes. They also help in promoting the immune system. In fact, when you take a small dose, you can call herbs as 'medicines'. These immune-boosting herbs are elderly, garlic, ginger, onion, hibiscus, cinnamon, and goldfish. Enriched, supports cardiovascular disease, there is a fight against bacteria and fungus, cough and cold treatment, reduce pain.

Benefits for Pain

If there is pain in joint, then Ayurvedic prescription is to eat ginger, eat shalaki, eat turmeric, eat ashgandha and heat the ginger-garlic in mustard oil and put it on the oil. Together with ginger and triphala herbs are beneficial.
If the pain of nerves is due to many different reasons, then herbal remedies are for the pain of all these nerves, consuming garlic in boiling milk. Even with the consumption of honey and cinnamon it provides relief in the pain of the nerves. In the pain of nerves, Nirgundi, Orandi oil massage, Ashwagandha, Guggul, Pipra root and nutmeg are also beneficial.

Benefits for Energy

Due to the rising age, due to lack of food in the home, without sleeping in full proof and in life style it becomes such that if the body lacks energy, then its body is weak.
Due to the rising age, due to lack of awareness in Khan's home, due to lack of sleep in full proof and in life style it becomes such that if there is a lack of energy in the body, then treatment of this can certainly be done with the help of herbs.

Benefits for Skin Care

Treatment of herbs is available for every single skin problem.
If the skin is shadow and lighten the color then know the use of turmeric. Tart spots are removed from the turmeric and the color becomes lighter. Just use it, mixed with cream or milk or curd. Colors also seem to be light from Amma.
If there is lifeless skin, apply almond paste and carrot seeds to grind them and the skin becomes soft.

Benefits for Depression

If there is apathy towards the person due to physical and mental reasons, then such treatment is good for herbs, and not allopathic medicine.
Treatment with the indigenous herb treats depression and it is also a buddhist.
Jyotishmma is a good domestic herbal remedy because it increases its intelligence, digestion increases and it has a direct impact on the brain.
Ayurvedic herbs that work in depression and stress are Ashwagandha which is consumed with milk, it is energized, sleep is good and energy remains in the body.

Benefits for Weight Loss

Ayurveda is available to everyone for disease and condition of herbs. To lose weight, treat herbs, not allopathic medicines.
The advantage of herbs in weight loss and mystery is that the effect of these is on digestion and also suppresses the defects.
Using indigenous herbs to lose weight, the poison is also released from the body, which does not accumulate fat and improves liver function.
The herbs used to reduce the weight and weight are Barella, Neem, Vrikshala, Triphala, Ashoka, Kalmegh, Guggul, Katuki, Chitak, Mustak, Ghera Kumari and Agnimantha (agnimantha).

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Tuesday 22 January 2019

Health Benefits of Eating Cucumber

January 22, 2019 0
Cucumbers are very low in calories .Cucumbers, which belong to the same plant family as pumpkin and watermelon, are made up of 95 percent water and many important vitamins and minerals, as well as a high water content. Eating cucumbers may lead to many potential health benefits, including weight loss, balanced hydration, digestive regularity and lower blood sugar levels

Health Benefits

*Maintain a healthy weight
  • Protect your bones
  • It Contains Antioxidants
  • It's High in Nutrients
  • Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
  • Manage Stress
  • Support Your Digestive Health
  • Support Heart Health
  • Protect Your Brain
  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • Hydrates Your Body
  • Detoxes Your Body
  • Regulates Blood Pressure
  • Boosts Energy
  • Improves Sleep
  • Improves Eyesight
  • Good for Skin
  • Promotes Hair Growth
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Amazing Health Benefits of Dates

January 22, 2019 0
Are you searching for the most beneficial food in the world. recommend you to try dates.Dates World’s #1 Food For Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol and helping control blood pressure. Other benefits includes preserving healthy intestinal microbiome, reducing the risk of colon cancer, supporting a healthy pregnancy, slowing down aging process and boosting sexual desire.

Nutritional Values of Dates

Nutritional Values of Dates per 100g
  • Calories- 277
  • Protein 1.81g- approx. 3% RDI
  • Total Fat 0.15 g- <1% of RDI
  • Carbohydrates 74.97 g- 58% RDI
  • Dietary Fiber 6.7 g- 18% RDI
  • Folic Acid- 15 µg
  • Niacin 1.610 mg
  • Vitamin A- 149 IU
  • Vitamin K- 2.7 µg
  • Potassium- 696 mg
  • Calcium- 64 mg
  • Magnesium- 54 mg
  • Phosphorus- 62 mg
    Here are some of the main recommendations why they have to be included in your food menu and why they are so healthy.
  • Help To Control Blood Pressure

  • Dates are rich in iron

  • Dates Control Cholesterol Levels

  • Help Prevent Night Blindness

  • Dates soothe constipation

  • Support A Healthy Pregnancy

  • Dates Improve Bone Health

  • Dates control body weight

  • Dates strengthen the heart

  • Preserve Healthy Intestinal Microbiome

  • Dates prevent strokes.

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